Saturday, June 21, 2018
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cathedral
5432 Fernwood Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027-5603
Tel: (818) 625-7165
8:50am, Reception of the Holy Icon
9:00am, Divine Liturgy and Moleben to the Mother of God with Anointing
Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Mission Church (OCA)
4145 Sepulveda Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230
Tel: (310) 391-9911
5:30pm, Akathist to the Mother of God
6:00pm, Great Vespers with Anointing
Sunday, June 22, 2018
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
2041 Argyle Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90068-3305
Tel: (323) 466-4845
8:00am, English Divine Liturgy
10:00am, Slavonic Divine Liturgy