SundaySun |
MondayMon |
TuesdayTue |
WednesdayWed |
ThursdayThu |
FridayFri |
SaturdaySat |
Feb 23 (Feb 10)
Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare)
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy
Feb 24 (Feb 11)
No Meat - (Maslenitsa)
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 25 (Feb 12)
Iveron Icon on Mt. Athos (Portaitissa) St. Alexis of Moscow
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 26 (Feb 13)
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
6:15pm Akathist
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 27 (Feb 14)
St. Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs End of 40 Liturgies
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 28 (Feb 15)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
1 (Feb 16)
3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
2 (Feb 17)
Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare)
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
3 (Feb 18)
4:00pm Bosa Wiel Funeral
6:30pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
4 (Feb 19)
6:15pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
5 (Feb 20)
6:15pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
6 (Feb 21)
6:15pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
7 (Feb 22)
8 (Feb 23)
3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Fast: wine & oil
9 (Feb 24)
Sunday of Orthodoxy
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy and Moleben
Fast: wine & oil
10 (Feb 25)
11 (Feb 26)
12 (Feb 27)
6:00pm Evening Presanctified Liturgy
13 (Feb 28)
14 (Mar 1)
6:00am Presanctified Liturgy
6:15pm Salutations to the Theotokos
15 (Mar 2)
Souls Saturday
8:30am Divine Liturgy & Pannikhida
3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Fast: wine & oil
16 (Mar 3)
St. Gregory Palamas
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy
2:00pm Passia
Fast: wine & oil
17 (Mar 4)
18 (Mar 5)
19 (Mar 6)
6:00pm Evening Presanctified Liturgy
20 (Mar 7)
21 (Mar 8)
6:00am Presanctified Liturgy
6:15pm Salutations to the Theotokos
22 (Mar 9)
Souls Saturday 40 Martyrs of Sebaste
8:30am Divine Liturgy 3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Fast: wine & oil
23 (Mar 10)
Sunday of the Holy Cross
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy
2:00pm Passia
Fast: wine & oil
24 (Mar 11)
25 (Mar 12)
26 (Mar 13)
6:00pm Evening Presanctified Liturgy
27 (Mar 14)
28 (Mar 15)
6:00am Presanctified Liturgy
6:15pm Salutations to the Theotokos
29 (Mar 16)
Souls Saturday
3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Litya
Fast: wine & oil
30 (Mar 17)
St. John the Ladder
9:00am Hours 9:30am Divine Liturgy
2:00pm Passia
Fast: wine & oil
31 (Mar 18)
Apr 1 (Mar 19)
Apr 2 (Mar 20)
6:00pm Matins with the Great Canon of St. Andrew and the Life of Saint Mary of Egypt
Apr 3 (Mar 21)
Apr 4 (Mar 22)
6:00am Presanctified Liturgy
6:15pm Matins and Akathist to the Holy Theotokos
Apr 5 (Mar 23)
Saturday of the Akathist
8:30am Divine Liturgy 3:30pm Parish School 4:30pm Law of God 6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Fast: wine & oil