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Aloha! E Komo Mai!!

We warmly welcome all families, couples, and individuals who are looking for a deeper experience of the salvation offered in Jesus Christ.

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Come and Visit!

If you are driving to church from Waikiki it will take you only about twenty minutes to get to our church.  On Sundays and Saturday evenings when most of our services take place, there is plenty of parking available at 201 N. Kainalu Drive, in Kailua (Honolulu), Hawaii.

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The Myrrh-Streaming Icons of Hawaii

By now all our parishioners living in Honolulu have heard about the blessing that has been bestowed on us sinners, unworthy though we may be, by the grace of the Almighty and the love and concern for us by the All Holy Theotokos.

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What is the Orthodox Christian Church?

The Orthodox Church is the original Church, founded by Jesus Christ, continuing down the centuries to our times without addition or subtraction, as our Lord promised. This claim may amaze some people. They will say, How can this be possible? So many centuries have passed!

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Prayer and Myrrh Requests

Each week, we pray before the Wonderworking Iveron Icon and the Holy Cross for the living and the departed.  Please feel free to send us names of your friends and loved ones.  We will remember them...  

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The Ancient Church of Christ
The Ancient Church of the 21st Century
Taste the Fountain of Immortality
MOUNT ATHOS: The Holy Mountain
ICON OF UNITY - The Holy Iveron Icon of Hawaii

Welcome to Our Parish Website! + Aloha! E Komo Mai!

Holy Theotokos of Iveron
Orthodox Church

201 N. Kainalu Drive
Kailua (Honolulu), Hawaii, 96734 USA.
+1 (808) 589-2484

Welcome to the official website for the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Orthodox Church.  We are a small thriving multi-ethnic Christian parish here in the Hawaiian Islands, striving to both live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and spread the ancient Orthodox Christian Faith to the people of Hawaii.  Stop by for a visit if you are new to the islands or wish to experience the oldest living Christian Tradition on earth.  Services are primarily conducted in English, with Hawaiian, Old Church Slavonic, Romanian and Greek added in.  
All are welcome! 

After over a hundred years of much struggle and fervent prayer, the Russian Orthodox Church's Mission in Hawaii has a church to call her own.  We would like to humbly thank everyone for helping us to make this once far-fetched dream a reality.  May the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercessions of the Most holy Theotokos be with all of you.

If you would like to become a STEWARD of our parish, please consider filling out a PLEDGE CARD and mailing it to our church's new address (provided below).  We have a large mortgage and many new expenses, not to mention the struggles of the after-effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, of which we suffered greatly, any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
May it be returned to you a hundred fold!

Holy Theotokos of Iveron Orthodox Church
201 N. Kainalu Drive
Kailua (Honolulu), Hawaii 96734

If you prefer to donate monthly using a credit card, ApplePay or GooglePay,
please click on the links below:

All services from the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Church will be Livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube (and on our parish website), until further notice.   Click here to access our LIVESTREAM.

Please click on the link above (the photo) to help support the Ukrainian Relief Effort.  All monies collected will go towards assisting the persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church in her care of the suffering People of Ukraine.  May the Holy Mother of God protect His Beatitiude Metropolitan Onuphry, His Eminence Metropolitan Longin (under trial), His Eminence Metropolitan Pavel (under house arrest) and the monastics and seminarians of the Kiev Caves Lavra and all the oppressed and suffering Orthodox Chrisatian faithful in the Ukrainian Lands!

Food, Faith, and Fasting

Rita Madden, MPH, RDN, is the Nutrition Director for Mediterranean Wellness, a company that focuses on sensible weight loss/management and chronic disease prevention/management. She completed her graduate work in public-health nutrition at Loma Linda University.  She has an excellent podcast on the subject of food, health, and the Eastern Orthodox Faith on Ancient Faith Radio, click here:  PODCAST

She also conducts online workshops on this subject matter around the country. To learn more about her workshops, click here:  WORKSHOPS

Rita is devoted to helping people form a healthy relationship with food.  Rita is also a beloved member of our parish, and Head Sister of our parish sisterhood.

Each Wednesday Night we will be chanting an akathist for the building of our church and for various needs.  The Akathists will be dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, St. John Maximovitch, St. Luke the Surgeon, and various other saints.

Every Wednesday Night, 6:15pm  (See calendar)

The Orthodox Church is the original Church, founded by Jesus Christ, continuing down the centuries to our times without addition or subtraction, as our Lord promised.

This claim may amaze some people. They will say, How can this be possible? So many centuries have passed! And, look, there are so many churches, with good and sincere members, each one different from the other in its beliefs and worship, each one thinking it is right... (Click here)

FOOD, FAITH, and FASTING: A Sacred Journey to Better Health
Last updated: 2018-04-03 14:59:31

By Rita Madden.   Orthodox Christians fast approximately half the days of the year. But in our food-obsessed society, how do we determine our approach to eating in general?  Author Rita Madden teaches us ways to eat in a way that is healthy for both our body and soul.

TWO HUNDRED YEARS ON THE ROAD: A History of the Orthodox Church in Hawaii
Last updated: 2018-04-03 14:59:56

By Amir A. Khisamutdinov and Very Rev. Anatole V. Lyovin.  Chronicles the 200 plus year history of Orthodox Christianity in the Hawaiian Islands. 

VALENTINA: An Odyssey from Pre-Revolutionary Russia through War-Torn Europe to a Pacific Paradise
Last updated: 2018-04-03 15:00:19

By Matushka Emiko Lyovin   Tells the amazing story of a young Russian girl who escapes the persecution of a burgeoning Soviet Empire and travels to the West.   This is the story of our beloved Archpriest Anatole's Mother.


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Saturday, 2 / 15 February
8:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
3:30pm Parish School
4:30pm Law of God
6:15pm Great Vespers and Confessions
Sunday, 3 / 16 February
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
St. Nicholas of Japan
9:00am Hours
9:30am Divine Liturgy
Monday, 4 / 17 February
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, 5 / 18 February
St. Theodosius of Chernigov
6:00am Hours and Divine Liturgy
