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The Ancient Church of Christ
The Ancient Church of the 21st Century
Taste the Fountain of Immortality
MOUNT ATHOS: The Holy Mountain
ICON OF UNITY - The Holy Iveron Icon of Hawaii
The Wonderworking Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon
The Wonderworking Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon
The Wonderworking Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon
O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
The Holy Icon rests on a bed of cotton, photos and commemoration prayer slips.
The Holy Icon rests on a bed of cotton, photos and commemoration prayer slips.
The Holy Icon rests on a bed of cotton, photos and commemoration prayer slips.
Prayer and Myrrh Requests

If you would like to request Myrrh from the miraculous "Hawaiian" Iveron Icon, you may send your requests to the address provided below.  Please also do include a petitionary list of names for the Living and the Departed, these names will be commemorated each week before the holy Icon by Deacon Nectarios.  The commemoration slips are also permanently kept under the Holy Icon.

You may send your myrrh requests, letters, photos and commemoration slips to:
PO Box 251
Aiea, HI 96701

You may also send your myrrh requests here: MYRRH REQUEST

Prayer requests may be sent here: PRAYER REQUEST

If you are going to send a note or letter, please do indicate on the envelope if it is to go to Father Athanasius Kone, the Parish Rector, or to Father Nectarios, the Icon's Guardian and Caretaker.

If a donation is sent, please also indicate if it is to go to help with the care of the Holy Icon or for the parish usage.

We also humbly ask for your kind patience when awaiting the holy myrrh. To date, thousands of requests have been received. Until very recently, these requests were all single handedly packaged and sent out by Deacon Nectarios himself.  Not to mention his continuing travels throughout the world to bring the blessings of the Theotokos' holy and Myrrh-streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon to all Orthodox faithful.  So, please allow a little time when receiving the holy myrrh.


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Sunday, 17 February / 2 March
Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare)
9:00am Hours
9:30am Divine Liturgy
Monday, 18 February / 3 March
4:00pm Bosa Wiel Funeral
6:30pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
Tuesday, 19 February / 4 March
6:15pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
Wednesday, 20 February / 5 March
6:15pm Great Compline with the Great Canon
