Friday, July 1, 2016
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
"2016 The Parish Life Conference"
JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
5350 E Marriott Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85054
Church: 602-953-1921
3:15pm, Arrival of the Holy Icon to the JW Marriott
3:30pm, Great Vespers and Anointing with Holy Myrrh
Saturday, July 2, 2016
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
"2016 The Parish Life Conference"
JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
5350 E Marriott Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85054
Church: (602) 953-1921
7:45am, Arrival of the Holy Icon
8:00am, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Monastery
4784 N Saint Josephs Way
Florence, AZ 85132
Office: (520) 868-3188
3:00pm, Arrival of the Holy Icon
3:30pm, 9th Hour and Great Vespers
5:00pm, Small Compline
6:00pm, Departure of the Holy Icon
Sunday, July 1, 2016
St. Paisius Serbian Orthodox Monastery
10250 S. Sky Blue Road
Safford, AZ 85546
Office: (928) 348-4900
8:30am, Arrival of the Holy Icon
9:00am, Divine Liturgy
1:00pm, Departure of the Holy Icon
St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
2716 North Dobson Road
Chandler, AZ 85224
Office: (480) 899-3330
4:50pm, Arrival of the Holy Icon
5:00pm, Akathist Service to the Theotokos of Iveron
Monday, July 4, 2016
Exaltation of the Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church
10030 N 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85028
Church: (602) 867-6025
8:50am, Arrival of the Holy Icon
9:00am, Akathist Service to the Iveron Icon
The Holy Icon will be available for veneration throughout the services. If Molebni or Pannikhidi are requested in the presence of the Holy Icon, please contact the clergy in advance. Anointing with myrrh from the Holy Icon will also take place following the services. Please inquire with the churches beforehand. Everyone is welcome to come and see this great miracle God has bestowed upon us!
Troparion to the Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon, Tone 7
From thy holy icon, O Lady Theotokos, / blessed myrrh has flowed abundantly. / Thou hast thereby consoled those in exile faithful unto thee, / and hast enlightened the unbelievers by thy Son's light. / therefore, O Lady, with tears we bow down to thee. / Be merciful unto us in the hour of judgment. / Lest having received thy mercy, we be punished as those who have been contemptuous of it. // But grant us through thy prayers to bring forth spiritual fruit and save us.